Одна из лучших программ для обмена файлами в сети Интернет. Утилита базируется на популярной сети eDonkey, но предоставляет пользователям больше возможностей, нежели оригинальный клиент. Клиенты так называемых Peer To Peer (P2P) сетей (или как их еще называют сети расшареных ресурсов - File Sharing). Данные сети используются для обмена разного рода файлами между пользователями. Самой главной фишкой этих сетей является тот факт, что центральный сервер отсутствует как класс, то есть его просто нет. Благодаря этому в сети никогда не бывает, каких бы то ни было неприятностей связанных с перебоями в работе сервера, так как если возникает необходимость программа переключается с одного на другой сервер. Что касается самого обмена файлами, то тут все очень просто - пользователи расшаривают ресурсы своего компьютера для вас, а в он-лайне постоянно тысячи пользователей со всего мира, и вы обязательно найдете интересующую вас информацию. Список пользователей готовых предоставить вам свое богатство можно сортировать по различным параметрам от названия и расширения файла, до скорости соединения этого человека с сетью. Естественно в сетях такого рода есть и поиск.
eMule Plus 1.2d:
FEATURE: Unicode support [Eklmn/Aw3/KuSh]
FEATURE: show client properties on right click on tab in chat window [Eklmn]
FEATURE: Video Player parameters {glaskrug/Lastwebpage} [Aw3]
FEATURE: facility to update comment filter and file cleanup tags for current installation [Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServices link for IMDb movie info look-up [Aw3]
FEATURE: 'Keep search history' setting to preserve or not search history [Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServer: preserve list statuses between restarts [Aw3]
FEATURE: WebServer: preserve client queue statuses between restarts [Aw3]
CHANGE: simplified shared files hashing thread [KuSh]
CHANGE: extended statistics successful and failed download sessions to keep bigger values [Aw3]
CHANGE: consider auto and jumpstart attributes while sorting by priority [KuSh]
CHANGE: select current backup directory on backup directory browsing [Aw3]
CHANGE: increased compiler warning level to 4 [Aw3/KuSh]
CHANGE: proper share mode for open files [Aw3]
CHANGE: download comment rating clean-up after comment filter update {Efix} [Aw3]
CHANGE: better compatibility to run default system preview application (original) [Aw3]
CHANGE: increased upper range for 'File Buffer Size', setting was made compatible with original [Aw3]
CHANGE: transfer window sub-pane state was moved to preferenes.ini (gui.dat is not used anymore) sub-pane state will be set to default on the first start [Aw3]
CHANGE: more robust checks to load transfer window sub-pane state [Aw3]
CHANGE: robust case insensitive ed2k link parsing {Avi-3k} [Aw3]
CHANGE: removed 'Ignore eMule protocol messages' to enforce IRC anonimity {Bruno} [KuSh]
CHANGE: more robust IRC ident {KerneL} [Aw3]
CHANGE: speeded up some disk operations [Aw3]
CHANGE: localized proxy errors [Aw3]
CHANGE: restore window to exact previous position by 'Bring to front on link click' [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: show download list source information similar to GUI {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
CHANGE: WebServer: don't load/save preferences.ini on change of particular parameters [Aw3]
BUGFIX: memory leak while editing of the server properties [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: wrong statistics slide control positions on consequential preferences open [Aw3]
BUGFIX: applying of some preferences settings when several are altered at once {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: stuck credits control and about dialog when focus is lost while holding mouse [Aw3]
BUGFIX: reporting of corrupted part traffic data files {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: vulnerability in staticservers.dat processing [Aw3]
BUGFIX: HTTP download dialog localization [Aw3]
BUGFIX: incorrect large file size sent to some clients in shared file list packets [KuSh/Aw3]
BUGFIX: wrong corruption lost and saved by compression statistics values at installation time [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: Ban Request Interval configuration for locales with comma as decimal-point [Aw3]
BUGFIX: stuck splitter control in transfer/messages windows when focus is lost while holding mouse [Aw3]
BUGFIX: redraw statistics plots without delay after window restore or size change {Vladimir (SV)} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: loading of InfoView column splitter [Aw3]
BUGFIX: incorrect client.met.bak generation which didn't do it in the most cases {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: crash caused by shared files list merging after file completion and outside renaming {DonGato} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: resources leak caused by deleting or merging part file in the shared files list [Aw3]
BUGFIX: modeless ed2k link registration and server list update message boxes {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: missed percentage in the shared files statistics on the very first drawing {muleteer} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: wrong max search limit was sent to servers when more than 4GB was specified [Aw3]
BUGFIX: crash on moving items in list controls {JCRIADO/paolo} [KuSh/Aw3]
BUGFIX: download list file selection after collapsing by keyboard {glaskrug} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: crash on enabling last list column {AqUaRiUs} [KuSh/Aw3]
BUGFIX: sending double cancel requests in some rare cases [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corruption of .part.met files when disk is full [Aw3]
BUGFIX: authentication configuration for SOCK5 proxy [Aw3]
BUGFIX: missed stalled status for active files without a hashset [DoubleT/Aw3]
BUGFIX: messed waiting for hash and hashing file statuses in GUI and WebServer {Fuxie - DK} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: application date format changed after WebServer usage {glaskrug} [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: localization of the socket connection setup error [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: sorting by size in the search list [Aw3]
Размер - 3 мб
Сайт программы - https://emuleplus.info/
Русский язык - встроенный
Скачать eMulePlus 1.2d