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3D-Coat v2.09

3D-Coat v2.09

Вышла новая версия программы 3D-Coat (ранее - 3D-Brush), которая предназначена для моделирования и текстурирования. Программа может использоваться как дополнение к 3D-редакторам общего назначения, таким как 3ds Max, Maya, Lightwave и пр. С помощью 3D-Coat можно повысить детализацию трехмерной модели, а также выполнить их текстурирование. С ее помощью некоторые детали можно задать при помощи текстуры, благодаря чему модели со средним числом полигонов будет выглядеть как высокополигональные. Среди интересных особенностей 3D-Coat можно отметить работу со слоями, а также создание материалов на основе фотографий, что позволяет переносить на 3D-модель некоторые детали (глаза, губы и т.д.). Программа имеет русский интерфейс.

В последней версии добавлена поддержка 4 Гб памяти на 64-битовой версии Windows и 3 Гб – на 32-битовой. Это дает возможность повышать детализацию до 20 млн полигонов. Также ускорено выполнение многих операций, добавлена поддержка многоядерных процессоров, внесены изменения в интерфейс.

Key Features & Benefits of 3D-Coat

Advantages of 3D-Coat:

Painting textures and sculpting. It combines painting layered textures and sculpting in one easy to use interface.

3D Layers. Every layer consists of a colour, specular, transparency and displacement channel.

Compatibility. Full compatibility with Light Wave 3D, Modo through .lwo format, with Maya, 3ds Max, Carrara through .fbx (import) and .obj format.

3D mouse support. 3D-Coat supports 3D SpaceNavigator of 3DCONNEXION. Navigation became more handy and intuitive. Click on one of the 3D mouse button switch it into the parameter's change mode. Now you do not need to use keyboard in order to change radius or depth of the pen. As the 3D mouse has 6 degrees of freedom it is possible to change 6 parameters simultaneously – radius,depth, transperancy, focal shift, specular and pen's turn.

Easy to use. 3D-Coat has easy and intuitive interface. Every control has a diplayed detailed hint, so you can master 3D-Coat very quickly. With it you can paint a 3D-Model as easy as in a 2D-editor.

Copy/Paste. You can transform parts of the texture, copy/paste, draw with curves, or splines.

Paint tracks and stitches. It has a simple to use method to paint tracks and stitches.

Connection with Adobe Photoshop. It can work in a deep connection with Adobe Photoshop (R) or any 2D-editor that can edit PSD files.

Adaptive subdivision. The main difference between 3D-Coat and other sculpting software is its adaptive subdivision algorithm. Usually sculpting programs divide every edge in 2 parts, so it is very difficult to work with long polygons. 3D-Coat however subdivides every edge in the source mesh depending on its length. So long polygons may be subdivided in a proportion of for example 9:147. You can change mesh resolution multiple times (like other software usually does), but also ina percentage, for example 50%. You paint in 3D-Coat on the vertices, but the adaptive subdivision makes the subdivided mesh very uniform. It is preferable that the mesh has no overlapping UVs, but 3d brush can generate its own UVs if neccesary.

The usual workflow in 3D-Coat is:

- You load a mesh of 1-100 k polygons with rough details modelled. You can additionally import a displacement texture with smaller details drawn in.

- 3D-Coat subdivides it up to a selected level (0.3-16 millions of polygons). Every polygon is subdivided separately denpending on its proportions. At any time you can change the mesh resolution (see Commands->Change mesh resolution). Subdivision can be based not only on multiple times as in other sculpting software but also on a percentage. It is better to increase (not decrease) the resolution during the edit process, as this is more predictable.

- Paint displacement/color/transparency/specular per new vertex.

- Export normal map/displacement/color/transparency/specular textures. Displacement is exported using the difference of a vertex's position and its position on Layer 0.

The technology of 3D-Coat.

3D-Coat generates a normal map "on the fly" to display fine details. It displays a base mesh of 40-100 K polygons but the normalmap makes it look like 1-16 million polygons. You can edit textures up to 4096x4096

Оффсайт: https://www.3d-coat.com/features.html
File Size: 46.84 MB

Скачать 3D-Coat v2.09
Просмотров: 50 Добавил: GeLIoS 19 мая 2008

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