Sylpheed - Почтовый клиент и RSS-ридер, базирующийся на библиотеке GTK+ (входит в дистрибутив). Поддерживаются функции анти-спама, шифрование GnuPG, полноценная работа с фильтрами и многое другое.
Simple, beautiful, and well-polished user interface
Sylpheed adopts 3-paned display similar to the popular e-mail clients for Windows such as Outlook Express and Becky. So it is easier to use it on the first time.
Comfortable operationality
The user-interface is constantly improved, and Sylpheed achieves attentive, comfortable operationality.
Especially the operationality of keyboard is taken count of, so you can sequentially read mails efficiently. Of course, you can use easy mouse-only operation.
You can also customize the behavior of mail display in detail.
Well-organized, easy-to-understand configuration
Each configuration item is well-organized, so you can easily configure Sylpheed when you start using it.
The default settings are also cared for, so you only have to configure required e-mail account settings to use it immediately (other settings can be kept as default).
Lightweight operation
The performance is always cared when implementing Sylpheed because it exerts a strong influence on the usability. For example, you can read messages in a folder which has 20-30 thousands without stress.
The every portion of Sylpheed is implemented by C language (no interpreter or virtual machine), so there is no sluggishness
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