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ImageMan.Net Twain 2.54

ImageMan.Net Twain 2.54

Программа для загрузки, обработки, просмотра, печати и сканирования изображений в более чем 35 растровых и векторных форматов.

Our ImageMan toolkits provide support for loading, processing, displaying, printing and scanning images in over 35 raster and vector image formats, in a toolkit with no distribution royalties. Building imaging & document management applications has never been easier.

The ImageMan Advantages
* Easy and simple Licensing allows developers to build multiple apps with no additional fees
* Easy to use, consise APIs, classes and Components to truly Simplify Imaging development
* 60 day 100% Satisfaction money back guarantee
* Fully functional trial editions so you can try before you buy
* Professional Technical Support via Phone, Email, Forums and Fax

Размер: 2,48 МБ

Скачать ImageMan.Net Twain 2.54
Просмотров: 14 Добавил: GeLIoS 2 июня 2008

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