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Steganos Safe Professionnal 2008 v10.1.4694

Steganos Safe Professionnal 2008 v10.1.4694

Немецкая компания Steganos сообщила о выходе новой версии приложения Steganos Safe 2008. Эта программа позволяет создать на компьютере виртуальный шифрованный диск для хранения жизненно важных файлов и документов, которые нужно оградить от доступа посторонних. Виртуальный диск записывает все данные в файл с расширением *.sde, подвергнутый шифрованию и заблокированный паролем. В нем можно хранить любой вид информации, ограниченный объемом диска. Steganos Safe содержит модуль для генерирования сложных паролей, средства для защиты почтовых программ Outlook, Outlook Express и Windows Mail.

Encrypt your private data. Create as many Safes as you wish with a capacity of up to 256 GB of containment each: for photos, documents, movies…Create secure Data Safes in a few clicks on your PC or use your iPod as a portable safe when you are on the go. The Steganos safe helps you to create highly secure passwords – and you have nothing to remember, simply use a USB-Stick for a key. You also have the possibility to open your safe by using a sequence of pictures. Includes the Steganos Shredder and Mail Client Safe for Outlook, Outlook Express and Windows Mail.

Encrypt your data with the Steganos Safe 2008 because:
• Hackers can access your hard drive via the Internet and copy all of your data.
• You forget your laptop in the train: as much honest as dishonest finders will probably risk a look into your files.
• During burglaries complete PCs are stolen – at least the content should be inaccessible. The loss of important information can cost a company its existence.
• Co-users of your computer could accidentally open some of your private files.
• Your USB stick disappears without a trace – what was on it already?
• You don’t just use your iPod for music, but also as an external hard-drive, as you carry it all the time anyway.
• Erased data is never really gone. With a good program it can easily be restored: even in an empty recycle bin one can find leftovers of documents.
• During a PC repair no sensitive documents should be accessible. And when selling your laptop one should only be buying your hardware – not your data.

With the Safe encryption becomes child’s play:
• Create as many data Safes as you want with up to 256 GB capacity each for your private data: documents, photos, movies…
• Save your passwords on your iPod, USB-Stick, mobile phone or digital camera: Simply connect it, and the corresponding Safes will open automatically. Of course you still have the option to open your Safe manually.
• For clients with good visual memory: with Steganos PicPass, you open your Safe with a picture sequence.
• Steganos Portable Safe transforms your USB-Stick or iPod into portable Safes: Open it on any PC with the help of a driver delivered with it. You also have the possibility to burn encrypted archives onto CDs, DVDs or DVD-DLs.
• In the Mail Client Safe encrypt your e-mails, contacts, calendar and tasks – your Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Mail will only open with your password.
• With the Steganos Data Shredder delete all unwanted data for ever– even the leftover data that you had already „deleted“. With three deletion options.
• Encrypt your private data using the worldwide renowned Advanced Encryption Algorithm AES with 256 Bits.

20.2 MB

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Просмотров: 52 Добавил: GeLIoS Вчера, 05:52

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