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FolderSizes v4.6.0.42

FolderSizes v4.6.0.42

Эта программа позволит вам провести проверку жестких дисков на наличие на них свободного места. Если вы никак не можете понять, почему места осталось так мало, запустите FolderSizes, и программа создаст для вас полный отчет. Программа сгенерирует диаграммы, которые наглядно покажет, какие папки занимают больше всего места. Среди возможностей программы: Распечатка отчетов, экспорт их в HTML; Экспорт диаграмм в файлы JPEG, PNG, BMP или TIFF; Система создания отчетов по типам файлов, которые занимают больше всего места.

Desktop PCs and servers can quickly end up accumulating large quantities of unused, temporary, and duplicate files. Before you know it, you're out of drive space, backups are taking far too long to run, and users can't find the data they need when they need it. You need a visual, interactive software tool to help you manage disk usage. You need FolderSizes. FolderSizes is an award-winning, network-enabled disk space analysis tool. It can quickly isolate large, old, temporary, and duplicate files, or even show file distribution by type, attributes, or owner. All with multiple export formats, command-line support, shell context menu integration, and much more.

FolderSizes goes far beyond the capabilities of competing solutions by combining several tools into one: Disk Space Explorer - Awesome detail view, coupled with stunning graphical bar and pie graphs Duplicate File Report - Quickly isolate and manage duplicate files within any folder or volume Largest Files Report - FolderSizes can quickly show you which files are eating up the most space Oldest Files Report - Use your own criteria to find old files that may no longer be needed Temporary File Report - Eliminate temp file clutter left over from software installs, downloads, browsing, etc. File Owners Report - Discover which users are consuming the most space on local and network drives File Types & Attributes Reports - See the distribution of disk space by file type or attributes Drive Space Monitor - Instant, at-a-glance view of any local, mapped, or removable disk File Sizes, Names & Dates Reports...

7.26 MB

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Просмотров: 15 Добавил: GeLIoS Вчера, 05:03

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