Не имеет значения, должны ли вы покрасить свой дом, его интерьер, ресторан, фойе, банк или что - то еще, гармонично правильный не диссонирующий подбор цветов обычно самая ответственная и трудная часть, этой казалось бы простой задачи. Перекрашивать или приглашать для этого дизайнера и дорого и не всегда совпадает с вашим вкусом. Color Style Studio - это комплексная простая в управлении эффективная программа, позволяющая безошибочно подобрать гармонирующие цветовые комбинации используя для этого цифровые фотографии реальных объектов, типа зданий, интерьеров, одежды, автомобилей и более. На выбор предлагаются не просто цвета, а коды реально продаваемых комплектов цветов красок, 60 видов, чтобы полностью удовлетворить любой каприз в подборе реального индивидуального оттенка для любого пользователя. Управляется предельно просто, маркируя области нанесения окрашивания, и выбирая нужный цвет из предложенной правильной цветовой гаммы. Несколько движений кнопок и вы уже у цели, гармонично подобранной цветовой среде и бесконечному, радующему глаз, комфорту.
Color Style Studio is a complex yet easy-to-use program that enables you to select different color combinations using digital photos of real objects such as houses, interiors, clothes, cars and more.
How is Color Style Studio used?
Choosing the right color combination is usually the most difficult part of any painting project. Color Style Studio turns this oftentimes dreadful task into one that's actually enjoyable! It doesn't matter whether you need to paint a house, club, restaurant, interior, bank or something else.
To start, simply take a digital photo of the object you wish to paint. Next upload that digital image file onto your computer. From there, run Color Style Studio's simple data processing tool called the Model editor to create a "coloration model." A coloration model is an enhanced version of the digital image that includes different marked regions.
For example, if the photo is of your house, you might create one region for the body of the house, another for the trim, another for the door and another for accent areas. Once marked, you can select colors for the different regions you designate. With a few clicks you can choose different colors for each region, over and over again, until you find the perfect color combination.
When you're ready to begin the coloration process, you open the desired model and repaint it using the Color-Style program. The Color-Style program is used to select and match colors. Just click on a color and then click the region where you want the color applied. In an instant, the region is immediately repainted.
Not sure you like the chosen color? No problem. Just click on a different color to select it, click on the region to paint and in another instant, it's repainted. Right before your eyes you can see the photo of your house or an interior or whatever you want to paint repainted in the color set you specified. When you create a color combination that you like Color Style Studio lets you store that color combination and several others. Storing color combinations makes it easier to compare combinations so you can determine the one you like best.
Color Style Studio includes several different components that help make the complicated task of choosing the perfect color sets fast and easy; components such as (Model category editor, and Color editor).
Color Style Studio Components
The two main components of Color Style Studio include the program for creating coloration models ("Model editor") and the program for selecting color combinations ("Color-Style").
Features of "Model editor":
Allows you to create coloration models using uploaded digital images.
Gives ability to designate different image regions using the included marking tool.
Gives ability to zoom in and out as needed to see image details.
Allows you to create models easily using partially completed material and examine job accuracy.
Gives ability to quickly switch between different parts of coloration.
Allows you to Undo/Redo model changes.
Gives ability to apply a mask to a specific part of an image and display masked area only instead of the complete image.
Allows you to save the mask for subsequent processing by external design facilities (Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw).
Gives ability to automatically calculate light exposure and required coloring density of all parts of the picture.
Gives ability to apply filters to increase clarity of details for more accurate treatment.
Features of "Color-Style":
Gives ability to select color tints according to each client’s taste.
Gives ability to paint any coloration model prepared using the "Model editor" program.
Provides support for more than 60 current color collection sets which means the colors you choose are ones you can actually purchase at the paint store.
Gives ability to save and compare selected model colorations.
Allows you to print the painted model image including detailed information about painting colors.
Gives ability to save painted pictures.
Gives ability to accurately calculate the necessary amount of materials (paint, wall-papers, etc.).
Gives ability to categorize models in the gallery created by the "Model category editor" program for easy retrieval.
Color Style Studio includes even more tools to help create and edit color sets and manage the collection of models. All included utilities can be launched from "Color-Style" by selecting the "Utilities" option on the main menu.
Here are Color Style Studio's main components and the features they offer:
Model category editor
Adds models prepared by the "Model editor" into predefined model categories.
Automatically creates a preview image making it easer to select the desired picture in the "Color-Style" program.
Creates new model categories as needed (brick houses, bathrooms, etc.).
Searches data for image or a category by inputting its name.
Users can change existing categories at will.
Color editor
Adds custom colors that can be used in "Color-Style".
Creates color cards (sets of colors).
Carries out color searches.
Provides the ability to edit existing colors and sets.
Common settings
Provides the ability to specify locations of information base and model storage.
Changes settings of Color Management System.
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